Introduction to Hello Hero

What is Hello Hero?
Hello Hero is a game developed by Fincon, a South Korean developer and publisher of mobile games. It is an online multiplayer, turn-based game with both PvE (player versus environment) and PvP (player versus player) elements. Hello Hero breaks down the genre of RPG into its simplest components, battling enemies and leveling up. Players can then go head to ahead against one another realtime in PvP, battle other players' heroes in the Arena, or band together and fight against the world boss in the Boss Raid mode. It is currently available free for iOS on the App Store as well as Android on the Play Store, with plans for a browser Facebook version soon.
(Jan-27-2014 Update: The Facebook version is now out!)

You can check out the game here:
Google Play:
App Store:

If you are just starting, you may enter my in-game name, Starwater, for bonus carats(the game's "premium" currency), or if anyone wants to leave a comment with their in game name, you can try theirs. You will recieve a bonus 10 carats while the other person will get 5 carats.


  1. when is the next fan art contest? i want to paricipate :D

    1. The fan art contest is not hosted by me, but by Fincon and the official team behind Hello Hero. I only repost any events or news to let you guys know. A lot of people come here via Google and only check out the guides so I post some news that might be interesting to them every now and then.
      You can check out the official Facebook page to see any latest events, but I've also included a feed on the right side of this website so you don't have to.

  2. My In-Game Name is: EMajor
    Nice guide thanks for the section on how to obtain Carats

  3. Hey, Nice guide here! I just wondering, if all heroes has a special/hidden stats on them? for example: i equip my heroes with dex/dex but that hero still doing critical.. Thank you!

    1. Every hero has a minor chance of critical and dodging.
